Nurturing Neurodiverse Minds: Natural supplements to support children with ADHD

Child ADHD Supplements

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can present unique challenges for children, affecting their ability to focus, manage impulses, and regulate emotions. For many of the children with ADHD here at Intuition Wellness Center, conventional treatments like therapy and medication play an important role in managing symptoms. However, some parents choose to incorporate natural supplements in their child’s care plan. Research has substantiated the use of many common remedies to help with symptom management. The challenge is discovering which is going to be most effective for each individual child.  A naturopathic physician with experience in treating ADHD would be able to best assist with this process. In the mean time, here is a list of vitamins and supplements to support children with ADHD.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Essential fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA found in fish oil, are believed to support brain health and cognitive function. Studies suggest that children with ADHD may benefit from high dose omega-3 supplementation, as these nutrients are important for brain development and neurotransmitter function. Allow two months of taking it daily to see any positive effects.   

Key Points:  High dose is more effective, take for at least 2 months. Better for focus issues, not impulsivity or oppositional/emotional challenges.  Must get a high quality, 3rd party tested supplement, liquid is most economical.  Gummies do not provide high enough dosages.  

Dosage:  Children up to age 8yo: 1000-1500mg, older children and adults: 2000-2500mg.  Choose a product that has more EPA than DHA. 

Zinc and Iron:

Deficiencies in zinc and iron have been linked to ADHD symptoms in some children. Zinc is essential for neurotransmitter function, while iron is crucial for cognitive development and attention. Supplementing with these minerals, especially if a deficiency is detected, may help support optimal brain function in children with ADHD.

Key Points: Easy to find, inexpensive, help especially if there is a deficiency. Should do a blood test to figure out if there is a deficiency as too much of either of these minerals can cause other negative side effects.   

Dosage: Iron – 12-60mg a day depending on age/weight

Zinc – 2-15mg a day.  Daily zinc supplement should also contain copper. 


Magnesium plays a key role in neurotransmitter regulation and brain function. Some studies suggest that children with ADHD may have lower magnesium levels compared to their neurotypical peers. Supplementing with magnesium could potentially help improve attention, reduce hyperactivity, and support mood stability in children with ADHD. Magnesium also helps calm the nervous system and may promote sleepiness. 

Key Points: Easy to find, works as a gummy or tasty powder.  Magnesium can also be absorbed through epsom salt baths or applied topically. Magnesium L Threonate has the most research for ADHD symptoms. Overall very safe.  

Dosage:  50-400mg a day, depending on age/weight.  Too much magnesium causes loose stools. 


The gut-brain connection is increasingly recognized as playing a significant role in mental health and cognitive function. Probiotics, beneficial bacteria that support gut health, may influence brain function and behavior. Some research suggests that probiotic supplementation could help modulate symptoms of ADHD in children by promoting a healthy gut microbiome.

Key Points: There are now probiotic blends on the marketplace specifically for ADHD that are based on emerging research.  

Dosage:  Per probiotic and to the tolerance of the child.  

Vitamin B Complex:

B vitamins, including B6 and B12, are essential for brain health and neurotransmitter synthesis. Children with ADHD may benefit from a B-complex supplement to support cognitive function, mood regulation, and overall well-being or a specific B6 vitamin for hyper-excitability. These vitamins play a vital role in energy production and neurotransmitter balance, both of which can impact ADHD symptoms.

Key Point:  B6 especially can be helpful for children with focus and hyperactivity challenges.  Too much of any of the B-vitamins can cause stomach pain or headaches and over time, nerve pain.

Dosage: Per bottle recommendation as each formula is different.  


L-theanine is an amino acid that is found in green tea and some mushrooms. Most of the research done with l-theanine is for treating anxiety but it has a lot of benefits for ADHD as well.  It is especially effective for focus and attention issues, especially for those who may also have anxiety, trouble sleeping, or hyper-excitability.  One benefit is that it does not have a lot of side effects: at high doses, it may make someone drowsy. Another benefit is that it works immediately – within the first few doses, a person may be able to tell if it is effective.  One challenge is that it has a very short half life:  if a child takes it before school, they will have to re-dose at lunchtime and maybe even again when they get home to do their homework.  

Key Point:  Especially effective for focus and calking, very safe for children. Have to re-dose throughout the day. 

Dosage:  For children 6 years and older, start at 100mg in the morning, then may work up to 200mg 3 times a day.  

If you’d like to easily access supplements sometimes recommended by us at Intuition Wellness, visit the Fullscript website. As always, please be sure to discuss any of these supplements with your child’s primary care physician before starting as they could interact with other medications or treatments. Supporting children with ADHD involves a multifaceted approach that considers their unique needs and challenges. Natural supplements, when used thoughtfully have the potential to provide additional support for children’s cognitive function, behavior and overall well-being.

At Intuition Wellness Center, we specialize in health and wellness services for children, young adults, and their families. If you think you would like some extra support, we’re here for you.

Written by: Dr. Kate Sage, NMD, Naturopathic Family Physician with assistance from AI to enhance SEO.

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