Does Dr. Kate Sage See Adults, Too?

Naturopathic physician Tucson

It is true that I have hung my shingle as doing (and loving) naturopathic pediatrics. I was trained as a family physician, but as I had my own children and people began to see me as a mom, focusing on pediatrics seemed like a very natural step. And, as you know, getting to hang out with kiddos most of the day brings me joy. I’ve been asked by many parents if I see adults, too.

I find that the parents of my patients often need support and struggle to find a doctor that they trust. In the past, as I was referring the grown-ups out to other physicians, I realized that I was making a mistake. I often already had much of their background and we had established rapport. Accepting them as my patients gave me the opportunity to not only assist in sorting through their own health puzzle pieces but also for the health of their child and their complete family. This also provides for me a different, yet also satisfying, type of joy.  

There are some chronic “adult” issues for which I may not be the best fit, including hormone replacement therapies or more complex medical issues, like Lyme disease. I do definitely enjoy helping moms prepare for their next pregnancy, assisting parents that are more fatigued than seems like they actually should be, and sorting out possible mood issues, especially anxiety and depression.  I also am happy to do wellness exams, order annual screening bloodwork and some speciality tests, including checking adrenal health, food sensitivities, and stool/microbiome testing.  If you’re an interested parent, I’m quite willing to discuss my strengths and weaknesses with you to see if I am the right person.  

If you are curious as to whether I am the right choice, you are welcome to ask at your child’s next visit, to send me an email, or to schedule a free 15-min “meet and greet” over telemedicine. If I am not the person, I will give you names of others that would be a better fit. I am committed to helping you be the healthiest parent you can be.

At Intuition Wellness Center, we specialize in health and wellness services for children, young adults, and their families (including parents!). If you think you would like some extra support, we’re here for you.


Written by: Dr. Kate Sage, NMD, Naturopathic Family Physician



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