Category: Naturopathic Medicine

Child Anxiety Gut Health

The Microbiome and Your Child’s Anxiety: Why Treating the Gut is Key

Nearly 4.5 million children in the U.S. have been diagnosed with anxiety. While many factors play a part, recent research is uncovering a new physiological piece to the anxiety puzzle. The answer to your child’s anxiety could be found in their gut– the center of their microbiome.  

Onion Ear Pain

Kitchen Medicine: The Healing Power of Onions

Supporting a sick child right at the beginning, when symptoms are just starting, is tricky!  Of course, this is often when you are unable to make it to the store to get stocked up on your usual remedies.  This, my friends, is why kitchen medicine rocks. 

Turn Your Home Into a Sanctuary from Seasonal Allergies

The most effective way to get rid of seasonal allergies is to avoid exposure to the allergen altogether. Yet, this is not possible for a seasonal allergy as we have to (and should) go outside. Dr. Kate Sage gives recommendations on how to turn your home into a safe haven from those allergens.

Supplements and Herbs for Seasonal Allergies

You may have seen the allergy supplement section at the natural food store and immediately became overwhelmed. There are a lot of products that claim to help allergies! Dr. Kate Sage discusses how you can use supplements and herbs to treat seasonal allergies.

Naturopathic physician Tucson

Does Dr. Kate Sage See Adults, Too?

I was trained as a family physician, but many people know me for my specialty in pediatrics. Getting to hang out with kiddos most of the day does brings me joy. I’ve been asked by many parents if I see adults, too. Yes, I do! In fact, helping parents sort through their own health puzzle pieces brings its own satisfying type of joy.  

Is My Child’s Fever Dangerous?: When to give medication

With so many different viruses going around, we would be hard pressed to find a child that has not had a fever in the last few months. Do you immediately grab a fever reducing medication? What if you knew fevers could be good? If you find yourself asking “Is my child’s fever dangerous?” then this info is for you!

Boost Your Family’s Immune System!

Eliminating illness altogether isn’t a realistic or helpful goal. However, there are a few habits, supplements and other strategies that you can try right now to boost your family’s immune system! 

Lactation Cookie Recipe

Adapted from the “How Sweet Eats” website. Lactation cookies are traditionally highly dense cookies with a lot of calories (think extra butter) and fancy additions,

Food Intolerance

Is Food Intolerance a Real Thing?

Food intolerance testing is weirdly controversial. Some people think it’s the best thing ever while others view it as totally garbage baloney! Is it ever

Dr. Sage with child

Get to Know Dr. Kate Sage, NMD

Q: When did your love for naturopathic medicine begin? A: It started in college when I met a naturopathic doctor. Growing up I always just