Category: Mental Health

Boy screaming

How to Transform Big Emotions

One of the primary reasons that kids and adults come to therapy is that they have a hard time coping with big emotions. Many adults think they or their child

Children playing outside

Six Factors That Affect Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and a good time to review the different factors that play a role in child, teen, and adult mental health. Seeking out a therapist

Phone like

Can Social Media Use Be Healthy?

Many of us have a complicated relationship with social media. On the one hand, it keeps us connected to loved ones, friends, and family. On the other hand, we’ve heard

Mother in blanket

Recognize the Good Mother You Are

I hear you, mamma. I do. You feel you’re not “good enough.” That you aren’t putting in enough effort. Your house isn’t spotless, your children yell or throw tantrums, they

Become More Self-Compassionate Through Practice

Self-compassion promotes happiness, boosts self-esteem, and encourages interconnection and consideration of others. It can be helpful to practice self-compassion when you feel angry or frustrated with yourself, or any time

Surviving election stress

Parent Survival Tips for Election Stress

I’ve spoken with many people recently who are plagued with anxiety about what the election results will bring. This stress appears to cut across all political parties and it’s higher