Your Health & Joy Is Our Mission

Naturopathic family medicine, pediatric occupational therapy, psychological testing and counseling for kids, young adults and their families.


for children, young adults & their families

Complete this form if seeking more than one type of service, including any combination of naturopathic medicine, pediatric occupational therapy and counseling. By requesting multiple services from Intuition Wellness, you receive the benefit of a team of providers working together to support you in reaching your wellness goals.
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Complete this form if requesting a first appointment for your baby, toddler or school age child with Anne Berkery, Pediatric Occupational Therapist.
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Complete this form if requesting a first counseling appointment or psychological testing for your child, yourself (if you are a young adult or parent) or your family. Please Note: Your flexibility of scheduling greatly improves our ability to connect with you.
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Intuition Wellness Center is redefining pediatric wellbeing with collaborative care in Southern Arizona. Team members will work together to support you and your family in thriving!

How We Help You & Your Family

Comprehensive Care - Intuition Wellness Center


Get the time you deserve, a thorough assessment and a team that works to understand all facets of your unique child and family.

Naturopathic Physician - Intuition Wellness Center


Feel connected to your child’s provider— someone who recognizes potential and tailors their approach to your specific strengths, concerns and values.

Nature Therapy - Intuition Wellness Center


Experience the benefits, relief and ease when your child’s team is now available to you and all of their family members.

Wellness & Parenting Blog

Onion Ear Pain

Kitchen Medicine: The Healing Power of Onions

Supporting a sick child right at the beginning, when symptoms are just starting, is tricky!  Of course, this is often when you are unable to make it to the store to get stocked up on your usual remedies.  This, my friends, is why kitchen medicine rocks. 

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Turn Your Home Into a Sanctuary from Seasonal Allergies

The most effective way to get rid of seasonal allergies is to avoid exposure to the allergen altogether. Yet, this is not possible for a seasonal allergy as we have to (and should) go outside. Dr. Kate Sage gives recommendations on how to turn your home into a safe haven from those allergens.

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